• A child’s learning starts at birth.

  • Children are capable of learning extraordinary things at every age.

  • Everything a young child does is learning.

  • Even though each child is "capable" of learning "anything", each child is an individual with likes, dislikes, and special interests.

  • The brain has five senses to use and the best teaching uses all of them.

  • Learning love, trust, honesty and integrity are as important as learning reading, math, music and art.

  • Children should see smiling faces and hear encouraging voices.

  • Parents are the most important people in any child’s life so we respectfully follow your wishes.

  • Young children do not like to be tested.

  • Children do not have to "demonstrate" their knowledge.

  • Little brains soak up Mozart and Van Gogh as happily as they do Mickey Mouse and Itsy Bitsy Spider and all should be available.

  • Adults have the responsibility to fill the environment with the best possible stimuli for young minds.

Our Beliefs

All children are born geniuses.
The challenge is to keep them that way through stimulating and challenging intellectual activities with a big emphasis on fun. The brain grows and develops more in the first six years of life than at any other time. Our aim is to capture this unique point in time and encourage each child to develop their own bright future.

The staff are well trained and dedicated.
Our staff retention is exceptionally high with more than half the staff working with Crayons To Computers for more than three years, a quarter with eight years or more. These professionals know the importance of early intellectual development and have dedicated their lives to working with small children.

Children need lots of attention.
Our child/teacher ratios are the lowest in the area. Our teachers have an abundance of time to listen and respond to each child individually.

We believe children need the freedom to develop and grow their own identities.
Our teachers are highly trained individuals who follow a curriculum based on the center's ‘Learning Themes’ for the month. The classes rotate through a series of unique, themed rooms. Each room is specifically geared toward a particular developmental skill.