Q: What is the pick-up/drop-off process?
A: Parents will enter the building using a code on the keypad, then sign their child in or out in the front lobby and walk their child to the classroom. In the evenings, the same will apply except parents will pick their child up from their designated classroom.

Q: Will my child have the same teacher every day?
A: For the most part, yes. The time of day, ratios, bathroom/lunch breaks, or teacher absences will allow for variance.

Q: Do you have an enrollment or supply fee?
A: Yes. All students have a one-time enrollment fee of $200 and a quarterly supply fee of $60. Our students do many projects throughout the year, even our infants!

Q: Can I check cameras at any time of the day?
A: Absolutely! There is no limit on the amount of times you can check on your child throughout the day. There are cameras in every classroom as well as on all playgrounds.

Q: How many diaper changes do you have each day?
A: This depends on age, but the standard is *insert information

Q: Will I get updates on my child throughout the day?
A: Each child under age 3 gets a daily take-home sheet that will detail all feedings for infants, all meals and snacks for toddlers, the amount they ate, their mood, if they felt sick, and all diaper changes. Each diaper change will specify whether it was wet, dry, or the child had a bowel movement. Any additional important information that needs to be passed along to the parent will also be noted on this sheet.

Q: How will I know when my child is running low on diapers?
A: When a child is low on diapers, this will be noted on their daily take-home sheet. Please also check the child's cubby on a regular basis.

Q: Can I drop off medication for my child?
A: Yes, but there are rules we adhere to. Please check the parent handbook or contact us for information.

Q: Do you offer any tuition discounts?
A: We offer a referral discount as well as sibling discounts for families with multiple children in attendance.

Q: Do you provide diapers and wipes?
A: We provide fragrance free wipes but parents will need to provide diapers and/or training pants.

Q: Are snacks and meals included in tuition?
A: Yes, they are, along with 2% milk at lunch and water with snacks. Children will receive a disposable cup to use for drinks unless the parent sends one to the school. Please ensure the cup is labelled with your child's full name.

Q: Can I send special food with my child or do they have to eat what the center provides?
A: Yes, you may send food with your child. Please make sure to let the teacher or director know. You may also send milk substitutes if your child requires something other than the 2% dairy milk that is provided to students at lunch.

Q: What does my child need to keep at the center?
A: Each child has their own assigned cubby. Please ensure to have at least one full change of clothes, plenty of diapers or pull-ups if applicable, and items for nap time. We do provide kinder-mats, but you will need to provide your own covers. Most parents bring a crib sheet and blanket but you can also bring a small pillow or roll-up nap mat if preferred. Please make sure all linens are labelled with your child's name. Napping items are sent home every Friday to be laundered. In the summer, please have mosquito repellant and sunscreen in your child's cubby as well.

Q: Can I send cupcakes for my child's birthday?
A: Yes! Please ensure any cakes/cupcakes/cookies are nut-free. Celebrations are typically done during PM snack time.