Established in 1999, Crayons to Computers is a local, family-owned childcare center that provides top notch care for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.
We believe children should see smiling faces and hear encouraging voices and that learning love, trust, honesty, and integrity are just as important as learning to read, do math, play music, and create art.
Learn more about our Philosophy and Beliefs here!

Now Enrolling both Full-Time and Part-Time care

What Parents are saying about us:
"Crayons to Computers is an amazing child care center with the BEST staff. Most of the teachers have been there for years, have watched the kids enrolled here grow and learn, and truly care for them."
- Erin J.
"I always dreaded the thought of putting my kids into daycare but Crayons to Computers has turned that thinking around. They have helped my toddler grow in many areas - teaching him sign language in the baby class, nursery songs, body parts and much more."
- Kathryne H.
"Coming up on three years at C2C and I cannot imagine attending any other daycare. They have always been so good to my son and they care so much for all of the kids there. My son absolutely loves going, loves the staff, and has a blast at their events."
- Megan G.